For joomla!4 Icomoon icons were replaced by font awesome icons in templates atum and cassiopeia. Some of the icomoon icons could not be transferred though. 

This applies to the templates Atum and Cassiopeia 

Two lists follow below

  • J3x icomoon replacements icon list (reduced number)
  • J4x Font Awesome icon list 

Use in HTML:

J3x replacements icons:

<i style="font-size: 48px;" class="icon-!name!"></i>

J4x Font Awesome

<i style="font-size: 48px;" class="fa fa-!name!"></i>

Develop backend/site:

  • Only icon names of J3x replacements can be used for joomla standard functions like ToolBarHelper::custom(name, icon1, icon2, text, ...)
  • Differences of : For example icon 'camera-retro' is defined Font Awesome but not for 'icon-displayed'.
  • J4x Font awesome icon names can not be used in joomla functions like ToolBarHelper::custom(name, icon1, icon2, text, ...) as internally 'icon-' will be prepended. Using 'none fa fa-!name!' may display the icon but will interfere with the general layout for further displayed buttons

J!4 Standard Icons

Available Icons in Joomla!

Icons defined in *.css file (and other files) in joomla on this installation. Names may be used in joomla functions (fa-images/images) or as html code (see below)
This table is intended to support component developers. Used as HTML code they are only working for template atum or cassiopeia.

ICOMOON replacement icons

Icons from J3! (icomoon) were replaced (partly) by fontawesome icons. Icons can be used for HTML in the form
<i style="font-size: 48px;" class="icon-!name!"></i>
Following icon names can safely be used in joomla functions like ToolBarHelper::custom(name, icon1, icon2, text, ...)
Count: 334

Icons in .../System folder

ToDo: These icons can be used in the backend (... fa-solid fa-....)